Inner Wisdom Counseling, PLLC
8987 E Tanque Verde Rd
Ste 309 - 1031
Tucson, AZ 85749
United States
Meghan Gilliland, LCSW is a psychotherapist in private practice in Tucson, Arizona. She is an EMDRIA-certified Therapist and currently a Consultant-in-Training with Deany Laliotis. Meghan graduated from Arizona State University with a Master’s in Social Work in 2010 and worked for 10 years in community mental health and residential treatment settings before going into private practice. Her passion lies in creating a safe and supportive environment for survivors of trauma, ensuring that each individual feels heard and respected. Meghan's unique approach to therapy combines EMDR with various modalities to offer a holistic path to healing. She specializes in treating complex developmental trauma and incorporates ego state therapy, IFS, Polyvagal Theory-informed interventions, and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy into her work. Meghan is committed to lifelong learning and professional growth, staying up to date on the latest research and trends in the field.