FAQ & Support

If your question is not answered below, please contact us at admin@emdrtherapy.com.

Frequently asked questions

EMDR Basic Training

Who is qualified to take the EMDR Basic Training?

How do I register?

How is EMDR Basic Training structured?

How long will I have access to my training materials?

Is there a discount for agency and non-profit employees?

What is the cancellation policy for Basic Training?

EMDR Intermediate and Advanced Trainings

Who is eligible to apply for the Intermediate Training?

Who is eligible to take an Advanced Training?

How do I know what training to take after the EMDR Basic Training?

Can I take an Advanced Training before taking an Intermediate Training?

What are the cancellation and refund policies for Intermediate and Advanced Trainings?

EMDR Certification

Am I considered “certified” after I complete my Basic Training and receive my “Certificate of Completion?”

How can I get certified as an EMDRIA-approved EMDR Therapist?

How can I train with The Center to become an EMDRIA-approved Consultant?

How can I train with The Center to become an EMDRIA-approved Basic Trainer?

Masterclasses and Master Retreats

Who is eligible to take a Masterclass training?

What is the difference between a Masterclass and a Master Retreat?

Why take a Masterclass?

Master Certificate in Relational EMDR Therapy℠

Who is this program for?

What's involved in this certificate program?