EMDR Consultation

EMDR Consultation

Grow with a Cohort of Like-Minded Lifelong Learners

EMDR Consultation groups strengthen your capacity for practicing EMDR as a comprehensive relational psychotherapy and help you master the art of the EMDR session and how it unfolds, moment to moment, in and out of reprocessing.

There’s no more effective way to go deeper into EMDR case conceptualization and treatment planning or to work through clinical impasses than with the support of your consultation group peers. And there is no safer company for self-reflection about the dynamics between you and your client.

Each of The Center's EMDR Consultation Groups is unique—reflecting the interests and experiences of its members. Groups are led by Center-trained, EMDRIA-certified Consultants and they build on what you learn in your Center trainings at all levels—from Basic to Masterclasses. 

If you seek to grow as an EMDR therapist, expand your capacity as a healer and be part of a community of dedicated lifelong learners, these groups are for you. 

emdr consultation groups

Interested in Case Consultation at The Center?

  • Are you a therapist, seeking community and looking to develop your skills?  Check out our two packages for case consultation.
  • Are you so excited about EMDR that you're interested in becoming EMDRIA-certified as an EMDR therapist?  Check out our Certification group that is limited to four people.
  • Are you already certified and interested in mentoring others and becoming a Consultant? Are you already a Consultant looking for a group to help you continue to grow and learn?  
  • Several of our senior faculty offer consultation groups just for Consultants where you can talk about your cases as well as your work with your consultees.

For more information email us at:  info@emdrtherapy.com.

"Mentoring is built into everything we do at The Center. This is particularly true for our consultation groups. Group leaders invest in members with the intention of supporting each therapist's unique strengths as well as areas of growth. As lifelong learners, we strive to listen as well as guide, and ask questions that promote an interactive style of learning. All faculty at The Center are both consultants and consultees.  Our mentoring culture informs how we show up as faculty, consultants, and peers, with one another as well as with our trainees. Encouraging and supporting one another to be our best selves in all roles is who we are."

Deany Laliotis

Upcoming EMDR Consultations

EMDR Consultation
Open for Applications

EMDR Case Consultation - Group of Four

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Here’s what your colleagues say:

Run, do not walk, to Deany's next training!

As a newly certified EMDR therapist, I have been actively looking to integrate my clinical skills into my work using EMDR. While there are many trainings out there, none have resonated with me so deeply as Deany's approach. It just makes sense to me now. Learning EMDR is often described as akin to "drinking from a fire hose." It's an accurate assessment, I think, but learning from Deany has helped tremendously in bringing more clarity and focus, and has renewed in me a sense of excitement for the work. I can't wait to learn more!

Carolyn Wingfield , PhD

Clinical Psychologist
Burbank, CA
Carolyn Wingfield