890 Wyoming Ave.
Elizabeth, NJ 07208-1451
United States
E drmgmas@me.com
P 908-351-2892
Maria G Masciandaro, Psy.D, is a licensed psychologist who specializes in treating individuals and families exposed to recent trauma, and provides training and case consultation to other therapists. She is a consultant for several non-profit agencies dealing with traumatized clients. She helps clinicians become aware of the implied meanings in the language they choose to use with clients. Maria is an EMDRIA-approved Consultant mentoring EMDR clinicians who wish to pursue EMDRIA Certification or wishing to become an Approved Consultant themselves. She is a member of the NJ EMDR Regional Network steering committee. She is an RTEP/GTEP Trainer, assisting clinicians who wish to become facilitators and trainers in this protocol. She has spoken to professional and lay audiences on the effects of trauma. In addition to her work with EMDR, she is a past president of the Clinical Hypnosis Society of NJ, a Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and a Field Supervisor for the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University.