How EMDR Training Can Transform Your Clinical Practice
You became a therapist because you want to help clients overcome barriers, heal wounds and lead a fulfilling life. You also want a healthy growing practice, so you can help as many clients as possible without worry or burnout.
There is no better way to do both than to master EMDR Therapy. That’s because, unlike many other approaches, EMDR therapy doesn’t just treat the symptoms of trauma. It gets to the root causes of those symptoms and provides healing that lasts. And EMDR is not only for PTSD and other acute trauma. It’s also effective in treating anxiety, panic disorders, depression, and addiction.
How EMDR Leads to Permanent Healing
EMDR works with the neurophysiology of memory by focusing present awareness on past traumatic experiences that continue to be disturbing. Using EMDR therapy procedures, you help your clients reprocess traumatic memories in a way that allows them to “uncouple” the past event with the present.
So instead of reliving old hurts when a current situation triggers a response related to a past trauma, your clients can respond to present situations at ease and grounded in the moment. That makes challenges, large and small, easier to navigate and creates space for a future filled with new possibilities.
Why Many Therapists Consider EMDR Their Most Valuable Therapeutic Approach
1. EMDR Works. There are over 40 major research studies and meta-analyses which support the assertion that EMDR works powerfully in helping people with a wide range of issues improve and heal. That’s also why the World Health Organization, The Department of Defense, The Department of Veteran’s Affairs, the American Psychological Association, The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and many others recognize the efficacy of EMDR as a treatment approach.
2. EMDR Can Help Everyone EMDR is highly effective in creating permanent change for clients from divergent backgrounds and in different settings. It offers the possibility of transformational healing to clients who struggle with a broad range of life challenges like low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, loneliness and grief, anxiety and depression, and addictions. And it works without overwhelming or retraumatizing clients. You can use it in your work with children, families and couples. It even helps with clients who’ve struggled before in other kinds of therapy.
3. EMDR readily integrates into your practice. That’s because EMDR therapy complements and strengthens the effectiveness of other methods you already use.
Your Clients’ Positive Outcomes Help Your Practice Grow
The quality of your clients’ lives is enhanced by EMDR therapy. And when they are deeply satisfied with changes in their personal lives, they tell their family, friends, colleagues and other providers about their successful therapy experience with you. Those personal testimonials and referrals from grateful clients fuel the growth of your practice. That’s why we believe that mastering EMDR therapy is transformative for your clients and your practice.