The Evolution of EMDR

From a powerful intervention to a comprehensive psychotherapy

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In 1989, Francine Shapiro, originator of EMDR, published a study introducing the positives effects of EMD—Eye Movement Desensitization—a technique that promised to be highly effective at relieving the symptoms of trauma—especially PTSD. In that same year, comparative studies confirmed its effectiveness.

EMDR Therapy Puts Trauma Firmly in the Past.

In its fullness as a comprehensive psychotherapy, EMDR has the potential to make good psychotherapy transformative. That’s because the combined protocol and technology of EMDR activates our innate healing mechanisms and optimizes our capacity to change how memory is encoded in the brain. Target memories can then be understood from an adult perspective and the common distortions, rooted in childhood trauma, that plague adult survivors are resolved.

EMDR goes beyond changing the narrative or developing better coping strategies. Its benefits go beyond meditation and mindfulness—working more quickly to make changes that are permanent and life-changing. That’s why EMDR Therapy can be transformative for both clients and clinicians.